Thursday, June 14, 2012

You can do this.

For someone who grew up eating beans from a can (that was most of us, right?), cooking beans from scratch always seemed entirely unnecessary.  I mean, let’s be honest, canned beans taste perfectly fine and they are right there in your cupboard when you decide last minute to toss beans into a salad or make black bean tacos.  I get it, really I do.
But, I want to let you know that cooking beans from scratch requires much less effort and skill than you may think.  Do you know how to cover beans with water and let them sit on the counter for awhile?  Can you set a kitchen timer for 45 minutes?  Ok then, you got this.  
I know that planning ahead to soak the beans can feel like an inconvenience, but I promise that it doesn't need to be.  Cooked beans can be frozen for later use, so just make a big batch, freeze some in small containers, and you will have beans on hand for those times when you are in a hurry. 

Simple Black Beans

2 cups dried black beans
6 cups of water, plus more for soaking
1-2 Tbsp. salt (optional)

Place dried beans in a large bowl and cover completely with water, then leave to soak for about 8 hours (or overnight).

Drain and rinse the beans once you are ready to cook them (discard the soaking liquid).  Place beans in a heavy pot, add 6 cups of water and salt (I used about 1.5 Tbsp. kosher salt and they were pretty salty, so use discretion here).  Bring everything to a boil over medium-high heat, then cover and reduce heat to low.  Cook for about 45 minutes.

The cooking liquid can be used for soups, so I recommend saving it.  Refrigerate whatever you think you will use in the next four days and freeze the rest.

Now, wasn’t that easy?

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